Sunday, May 9, 2010

Annual Mother's Day Shot

I hope you all have a wonderful Mother's Day!  

As for me, "Operation Let Mom Sleep In" was a success!  Gty had to ward off a couple of kids at the door but I slept in until about 9:45a and laid there for another hour reading.  

It was heavenly. 


Flem said...

!! You are still the most beautiful woman I know.


Happy Mother's Day.

Memzy said...


^^ said all sing-songy. Is it just my phone or why is half your face missing? Gorge tho!

StandsMom said...

Tiff! You are just gorgeous. Fantastic picture.

danandcami said...

Great idea to have a mom and children picture every year!! You are a beauty and your kids are all handsome and pretty as well!! Glad to know your morning went well!!

Carol said...

Loved the picture and saved it to be printed and added to the fridge gallery. I must. Glad you had a great day.

eekareek said...

So cute!

Princess Kimi said...

Yeah Memz I had to adjust my screen rezzie to get her face all the way in. Weird. AWESOME pic of all of you!!! And were you totally being super quiet in there and not flushing when you went piddle so that Gty wouldn't know you were awake and to let the rugginrats in yet? I'm guessing yes.

p.s. I came here hoping to see a pic of T-Bone in a laundry room sink but this wasn't a downer even tho that's what I was totally hoping for. Just fyi.

E said...

Freaking beautiful.