Wednesday, April 27, 2011

AI: Carole King Week

Carole King and Babyface.  Of course.  That makes total sense.

This will be my abbreviated thoughts on the subject at hand tonight.  And I won't be putting on their pictures.  If you don't know these people by name now then I don't know what to tell you.

"Oh No, Not My Baby"

  • No amount of decent, in tune singing and distracting plaid sport coat will get rid of that personality.  
"Where You Lead"
  • Who told her to pull some random guy out of the audience?  I hate that.  It's distracting.  The whole time I'm wondering "What is he going to do now?  Sit there?"  and "How long will he be she going to go back to him at some point?"  "Is that her brother or something?"  "Will she tell him when to leave or what?"   
  • I was so distracted by the dude I don't even know how she sang the song but the judges loved her voice cracking. Wha?
"I Feel the Earth Move"
  • Um yeah.... they're doin' it.
"You Got A Friend"
  • This was actually quite refreshing.  I was sooooo sick & tired of the same ole, same ole from him.  Babyface worked a miracle here.
"Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow"
  • Jimmy has a man crush on James.
  • I'm developing a bit of a regular crush on him myself.  He was so nice about Scotty and then gushed about his wife afterward... plus the singing & guitar playing.
  • This is where he differs from Adam Lambert.  AL could never have pulled something like this off.  
  • I loved this performance.  He might be my favorite at this moment.
"Up On the Roof"
  • Um yeah.... nothing is going on between these two adorable virgins.
  • Entertaining & edgy but so not my thing.  I would never turn this on in the car.  Never.  
  • I still like him but..... eh.
  • She is blossoming right before our very eyes!!  I think Casey is probably the cause.
  • I really liked this performance, minus the intense arm waving she had going on.
"I'm In For Something Good"
  • Two dudes should NEVER sing a duet together.  Especially if one of the dudes is Jacob.





StandsMom said...

::watching right now:: Jacob's outfit makes it completely impossible to take him seriously, even if I wanted to. Which I don't. Ever. For Lauren, I didn't like the dude out of the audience either. Casey and Haley...doin' it? Mmm. I don't think they are. But I think he's way more into her than she is to him. Scotty is annoying sometimes. He's talented and has a great country vocal tone, but he seems to be trying so hard to sound just like Randy Travis or Josh Turner that it bugs. Just be yerself Scotty! P.S. Does Ryan seem a little in pain tonight everytime he talks? And he is just so petite and cute next to some of those teenage boys. Adorable. James did a great job. Very nice to see his hair down too. I do hope he'll get some braces someday. Wait, they shut off his microphone before his last note. What was that? After watching Scotty and Lauren mess around in their interview, I think I'm pretty sure that Scotty doesn't like her much. Haley did a good job. And James and Jacob? I think Jacob was singing to James. And James was just doing it cause someone told him to. :)

Markie23 said...

CASEY - Entertaining & edgy and so my thing. I would listen to this in the car over and over again. Big man crush for Casey.
JACOB - finally going home!

Carol said...

Enjoyed the show overall except for:
* The duets-no, no, no
*Jacob's outfit--and personality
*Scotty's song
*The duets
*The duets
*Lauren's guy-from-the-audience
*James did a good job -might win.
Really liked Haley tonight. I don't think she'll win but I'm really on her team now.
Bottom 3 Jacob, Scotty and Lauren.
Please send Jacob home but I think it's gonna be Scotty.

Krissy said...

babyface really does have a babyface doesn't he? My faves were James, Haley, and I was pleasantly surprised with Scotty. I really hope Jacob goes home cuz I don't think I can take anymore of his diva self.

bailey said...

Jacob better be gone. Gone with the gonorrhea.

Markie23 said...

I should have learned by now to never underestimate the poor judgement of the American People. It's why we have B.O. as our Pres BTW.
I have to say however that THAT was the way to make an exit. I'll miss you Casey!

michelangelo said...


Hot Pants said...

I just realized I was signed in as Bailey last time. Which makes my comment hilarious. After watching the results show however, I am no longer laughing. I may have to follow Superman's lead. I'm very disappointed in you America! Jacob over Casey?!?!?!?!?

Memzy said...

I didn't watch. Haven't for 2 weeks. It's lost its luster somehow. Either that or I've gone dead inside............again.

SteveB said...

Just watched everything last night after being in San Diego last week. Very disappointed that Jacob or Haley were not put to rest. Could they be in the finals??? Could I be kicked in the head??? Very sad that Casey is gone. He was fun to watch. I just can't pick my favorite. I guess it will be James, but who knows. Those teeth have to be fixed quickly!! I have enjoyed the season, but just have not fallen in love with anyone.

Morgan's Visual Idea journal said...

Yay! I love James!