Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Edukashun is #1

I am a firm believer that it is never too early to start educating your children/getting 2.5 hours twice a week to yourself. So guess who is in PRESCHOOL???

Oh, that's Beebs, in case you couldn't figure it out.

She is in the same class as her BestFrenemyForever, SassyPants. Yes, they are basically joined at the hip and they don't mind (usually). Neither do their mothers (always).

StandsMom & I have decided they just need to live the same life. 24/7. The only difference is Beebs likes Harvest Cheddar Sun Chips and Sassy likes BBQ chips.

So the first day the parents got to stay for the first half and then we had to go to some boring meeting where they went over the "rules" and "suggested shoe wear" and "when tuition is due." If they think I can get Beebs to wear socks and shoes rather than her cute sandals, they are sadly mistaken.

I don't mean to brag but in circle time, Beebs was the only one doing the actions to the song with the teacher. Srsly. Star student already. Oh, and did I mention it was pre-beauty school? I can't wait to get my nails & hurr done for free someday.

They have these cute totes with everyone's names on them that go back and forth from school. I love these. It's much better than trying to cram everything into some teeny little backpack. They just line them up in the hall and put things in them throughout the day as they are finished. Genius. Oh, and Sassy almost left her headband on the entire time. A new record I think!

So that was last Thursday. Her first REAL-sans-Mom day was Tuesday. Standsmom drove and Beebs LOVED it. She was made for school. When she got home I asked her what she did.

"Played...painted....had a snack..."

"What did you have for a snack?"

"Grapes...bunnies...water...and a napkin."

Gty asked, "How was that napkin?"


It's show & tell tomorrow. Oh to see how that goes down.


Markie23 said...

I expect to see those girls at the Y in about 15 years.

Carol said...

Beebs IS the cutest thing around. She and her BFF could be twins/sisters. And who is the dude next to Beebs during circle time in the snappy dress shirt and vest? Impressive. How does it feel to have 2.5 hours twice a week to yourself? I thought so :)

Carol said...

P.S. Happy Birthday Gty.

Memzy said...

Srsly,.....that kid's mom needs to be slapped. A 3 piece suit to first day of preschool?

And btw, I hearted the preschool days with the friends who you carpool with. Good times. And Beebs is definitely in the gifted and talented group, I can tell. Probably cuz of her sandals sans shoes and socks.

Cristin said...

So CUTE!!! I should think about this Preschool sounds purrfect.

StandsMom said...

I love using the word sans. It's fancy.

Great pictures. How could I get any luckier than to have a bff whose daughter is my daughter's bff and can take gorgeous pictures effortlessly? I'd like to see the girls at the Y in 15 years too - sans the RM who's itchin' to get married super fast. Edukashun is #1.

E said...

Love the outfits! <--pass that along to Beebs and Sassy. I would keep an eye on that future-barber-shop-quartet boy if I were you. He looks like a heart breaker.

So do you do afternoon preschool so you can go out to lunch? Homer's preschool schedule is exhausting. Thank goodness for car pools.

Hot Pants said...

I like how you and StandsMom coordinated your outfits for the occasion too. Preschool has changed my life. I now have 3 days a week I am free to go to lunch with my friends. And we don't have to go where there is a playland, we can go to the fancy places now, like, Subway and Taco Bell.

Linkster said...

It's hard to believe she's that old.