You gize, I totally made up a riddle!!
As I was texting Katie last night until around 1am we were talking about leaving the water running while you brush your teeth (don't ask why, it has to do with werewolves). Katie said it's a complete waste of water. She's so eco-friendly, that one. And I get the feeling she's a penny pincher extraordinaire.
Anywayz, so I realized something, and this is where the riddle comes in..... I don't leave the water running when I brush my teeth in the morning. But I do leave it running while I brush them at night. Ycome?
Aaaand go......
That is super easy. You are drowing out the sound of Gty asking you for some whoopie. The end.
Ooooh, no.... but good guess. He asks with "body language" ifyouknowwhatImean so I could be deaf and still catch his drift.
I think it is that you start the day with good intentions, but when it comes to bedtime you are too exhausted to follow through. Am I right or am I right? Right?
Body language? I am picturing seductive dance...
my guess is you don't brush your teeth in the morning, you just chew gum.
Wait a minute, are you saying katies barbie phone has texting capability?
Maybe you brush longer in the morning and not so long at night. So what is the point of even turning the water off at night, you'll just be done in a second.
If it was me, I'd say I'm just too tired at night for any wasted effort. :0)
So I am the same way and I think it is because you are letting the water warm up for washing your face? I dunno.
Two other notes:
1) Nice winter colors on the site
2) Memzy didn't read your resolution about being the initiator
Flemmy!!! I always knew you were a genius. This solidifies it. GENIUS. You should be tested for Mensa or something. It does, in fact, take almost the exact amount of time for the water to warm up as it does for me to brush my teeth. And I'm a face washing Nazi. I've washed my face every night for the past umpteen years. I can't sleep unless I get that done.
I like the chewing gum one though. I maybe have done that on occasion when I'm short on time. Maybe.
Entirely too much information.
I thought it was because werewolves only come out at night.
I always leave the water running while I brush my teeth. Simple, simple, no fuss, no muss.
I'm working day and to help you meet your texting resolution.
I leave the water running, but I also plug the sink so I can save that water and use it throughout the day. Then I don't feel bad about all the people in Africa that are so thirsty.
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