Anyway, for FFF I thought I'd post some pics of past Halloweens. You know, so maybe I'd get into the spirit a bit.
I found/scanned in some more you gize.
Halloween 1996

Our first Halloween as a married couple (aaaaawwwww.. cute!). I know. I believe we're trying to look like our pumpkins. I hope that's what we're doing anyway.
Halloween 2000

Red jammmies+Devil horns & pitchfork from Old Navy = costume
Halloween 2001

Somebody was not excited about being the puppy/mouse/bunny. He was probaby like "clean the freaking fireplace you gize" too. What is with that?
***end EDIT***
Halloween 2002

No, you're not seeing things. That is Brains & Boogs Shederton. They came out to visit over Halloween when we were living in Ohio. Yay! Good times. Srsly.
Halloween 2003

Red Power Ranger and... a mouse.. no wait, a puppy... no a bunny.... w/e it was it was cute. And that is so not my goose dressed up as a jack-o-lantern, in case you were wondering. Who DOES that?
Halloween 2004

Please note the repeat of costumes. A) I don't like Halloween anyway and B) we had srsly JUST moved to South Carolina. If you could see into the house you would see piles of unopened boxes. The last thing on my mind that year was costumes. I think you'd be surprised at how non-breathable that Red Ranger suit was in the SC humidity. Or maybe you wouldn't be that surprised I guess.
Halloween 2005

If you don't know what they are then yer dumb. Hint: sports
Halloween 2006

Anakin, Yoda & Princess Leia. Yes, yes, I KNOW it would be impossible for Anakin to be holding his daughter as ANAKIN cuz he was already Darth Vader when she was born, but c'mon you gize. It's Halloween. Here's a close up of Beeb's awesome wig my SIL's mom helped me make. I hearted it, you gize.

Halloween 2007

A boxer, Mudkip (a Pokemon) and a bumblebee.
So there we have it. I'm still not in the spookiest of moods but this did help a little. This year we've got ourselves a football player (yes, again), a vampire (not in the Edward way, in the traditional way-- lamerz!), and Snow White. A blonde Snow White.
Happy Halloween to you. May your pillowcases be too heavy to get home tonight!