Friday, September 26, 2008

Fave Foto Friday: False Advertising


I do love this photo so very, very much. It came to me in the mail along with Memzy's graduation announcement. From the denim shirt to the braided belt it is 1993 perfection. I would like to clarify my comment (that I said way-back-when which Memzy mentioned recently) that this picture was "false advertising." I wasn't at all implying that she looked better in this picture than she did in real life. I meant that this picture gave off a certain vibe. I mean, doesn't this pic make Memzy look... well... you know.... sultry? She looks all "come hither"-y and all "yeah, I'll make out with you"-y. I assure you that in reality Memzy was as pure as the driven snow. See... false advertising.

What this picture did advertise however, loud & clear, was her love of the hotsticks and hairspray.

I love you, Memzy Memzerton!


Anonymous said...

FTC!!! (First To Comment)
I loved the picture. Is it art to capture a brief segment of american cultural mishaps or am i just some towell head arab rambling on.

E said...

It's still Thursday where I live, so this is quite a treat. I agree about the false advertising. She looks like a "lovely lady" if you know what I mean. Do I see a hint of flank?

Carol said...

I LOVE THAT PICTURE!! I particularly love her fluffy bangs. She was/is/and always will be a beauty. Love you Em,

eekareek said...

Super hot!! I can't believe this is not her profile pic!!

Cristin said...


Memzy said...

The best part about that picture is how you would tell new people we had just met in the dorms, "Have you seen Memzy's false advertising pic?!"

And the love of hotsticks was an illness. I'm so glad I was successfully cured in re-hab. And I think I went through a bottle of hurrspray a week. Good times. Good times.

Memzy said...

ps. who's ahab? I need to know whether I can make terrorist jokes or not.

Hot Pants said...

I think the short shorts, with her hand on her bare leg is what Landee was referring to. That isn't a picture to be showing around the dorms at a church school. I do think the hairspray was a wise investment though. Once you get your hair to look that good, you definitely don't want it to fall. I never had the need for hairspray because I never got my hair to look good enough to want it to stay in the position I got it in.

Vegas Family said...

Your naturally beauty still shines thru the big hair so your lucky there.
I had my obsession with big hair too. Only I had ugly blue eye shadow and a big friz to look back on.
Love the photo!

Anna B said...

Now you all can understand why I thought Memzy was always WAY out of Shed's league. What a hot smokin' babe you are.

Emily said...

Totally smokin'!

Markie23 said...

I am amazed that Landee seems to know who was "easy" in High School and who wasn't.
First it was a comment on Jenny's blog:
"I remember in high school, some girls were popular because they were funny and some were popular because they put-out. I'm glad you're funny."
Now it's
"I assure you that in reality Memzy was as pure as the driven snow."
I'd like to know how you have all this inside info Landee, and I'm dying for you to tell me which of my nieces were... "not funny".
If you'd rather e-mail me, or call me with the info I'll understand. Not EVERYONE needs to know this information.

Markie23 said...

Oh, Landee... were you funny in High School?

Flem said...

1. Tiff was funny in HS. That is why she felt like she could make that comment because she was certain she was funny.

2. I remember very clearly this photo and the false advertisement comments that went around about it. It is true that memzy was pure as snow (she even quit saying "oh my word" our sophomore year just in case it was approaching blasphemy) but I think she totally looked like this all the time- like a glamour shot.

Flem said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Elder Jack Anderson said...

I was HILARIOUS in high school. However, I never said the two were mutually exclusive.

I was trying to do you a favor Memzy. I'd show the pic & be like "Contrary to what you might be thinking about her she is pure as pure is pure. If you are lucky enough to kiss this young lady, do not EVEN THINK about going near the bathing suit areas."

I was kinda like a self-appointed body guard.

The "Oh my word" ban was my favorite, Queso. Flank you for reminding me. I do believe, however, it was toward the end of our Freshman year because I distinctly remember being called to a "conference" in our dorm room for the big announcement that that was now a no-no. I'm pretty sure Coco spearheaded that one though.

Markie, all your nieces were funny in HS... except that one.

Memzy said...

THIS is the kinda stuff that I forget and prolly because I blocked them out from embarrassment! I'm really glad you guys stuck it out with me and moved on to the apartments after that.

"pure as the driven snow" = not so much getting dates.

E said...

I just noticed that M is wearing a ring on her *engagement* ring finger. A CTR ring, maybe? Now her picture says, "I'm sultry, but I'm engaged to the Lord right now. Maybe when you get home from your mission, boys."

Elder Jack Anderson said...

::squinting:: I cannot confirm what that ring is but that is almost a direct quote of what she would tell all her suitors. When they came a courtin'. And then I'd wait all night on the porch with a shotgun until she got home safe.

I was such a good roommate.

Memzy said...

It's like you see into my soul Jenny. But I'll tell you the REAL story about our Freshmen year a the B-Y when we get up to Seattle.

Elder Jack Anderson said...

::raising eyebrows:: Er, real story?

E said...

I love real stories! I hope Cristin brings red vines and diet dr. cokpep.

PS After closer inspection, I see that distinctive gray hue marking the skin on her finger around the ring. Definitely a CTR ring.

Elder Jack Anderson said...

And upon closer inspection, I realize I goofed... that shirt is not denim. It's "chambray."

Even better.