Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Installment #2: Let the Duping Continue

So, yesterday we discussed the fine art of "decluttering" for guests. That was not a long term solution, of course, as we then heard horror stories of hundreds of bins being used for that purpose and then never opened again.

This next tactic will really drive home the point that you are not only clean, but also very organized. I mean, anyone can have a clean countertop, but what about your cupboards?

Here is what you do:

1) Go to Costco when Shelf-Reliance is in town and spend a little bit of dough on their cupboard and pantry "Cansolidators" (afterward, Gty said that if he knew they were called something so lame he never would have allowed/aloud them in our house). You then clean out an entire cupboard, throw away the many cans that expired in 2000 (<-- not a joke) and you create nothing short of a masterpiece that looks like this:

I realize this takes a bit of effort but it will PAY OFF! Because....

2) Anytime you have guests over, you figure out some way to make them look in your beautimus cupboard. You offer them a drink of water and then say "Oh, could you get a glass out of that cupboard over there? Oh, whoops! That's not where I keep the glasses!" or "Hey, I want to show you something really cool on YouTube... just open that cupboard over there. Oh whoops! That's not where we keep the computer!" You get the point.

3) Under no circumstances are they to look in any other cupboards like this one:


If someone does accidentally open another cupboard you'll need to go full-force on getting them to the "right cupboard." Then you'll have to figure out a way to make them sit & stare at it so long that it burns into their retina so when they close their eyes they can still see it. That may be difficult to do so I suggest you prevent them looking elsewhere to begin with.

All it takes is one cupboard, people. Seriously.


Annalisa said...

I want that!
Please tell me you can order it.

solidgold (a.k.a. our family) said...

Okay you're almost making it sound like you don't have one of the most organized homes I've ever seen. Serious. Just the other day I thought...If only I could make this totally look organized like Andersons. But I am not quite motivated enough. In fact, could you just make me few signs that say, "What would Landee do?" and I'll just stick them around everywhere as motivation.

Elder Jack Anderson said...

^^^ was the first person I "duped" people. See how she applauds that ONE cupboard?

It's like magic.

Annalisa, I'm sure you can order it.


E said...

Where's all your Cup O Noodles and Top Roman? I don't think I'll be posting pictures of my pantry anytime soon. The 15 rolls of paper towels and the bucket of Crystal Light are dead giveaways... you're an honest to goodness domestic diva.

PS. Hey, I am not a Grammar Nazi, I only correct Amy because she likes to corrects grammar, even her own. If you'll notice, I only pointed out your errors that one time because Amy was correcting you and she had missed the obvious ones. So I was actually correcting her.

Elder Jack Anderson said...

AJ, that is how they sell paper towels at Costco. It can't be helped. And I keep a giant bucket of Easy Mac in the cupboard below the retina burning one.

PS I LOVE that you're a grammar nazi, and I love calling you one. My friend Queso is a way uber worser one than you... and I give her just as hard of a time. Gty and I have laughed about "You say it you are birthday" many-a time since you pointed that out.

Hot Pants said...

Jenny's cabinets are the cleanest of anyone, because they are empty. Her fridge is full of diet coke and hundred of packets of ketchup and hot sauce from Taco Bell.
I bought a few of those can roller things from Costco. They are in the garage sharing a rack with a tote, and still in the box. I may be inspired though, we'll see.

Cristin said...

so are you like an organizer for hire? ALL my cupboards are suppose to stay closed and my garage where I keep food storage is also suppose to stay closed and my laundry room where I keep my extra paper towels and cleaning supplies is also suppose to stay closed...oh and so is my coat closet and all the bathroom and bedroom doors....hmmm. do you see my theme here??? This is my excuse for not EVER inviting anyone over...EVER.

Cristin said...

OOOOH and if I were you I'd just leave your uber cupboard open all the time and be like "oh who left my cupboard open?" when people come over.

Elder Jack Anderson said...

AH HAH!!! Brilliant Cristin! I may even take the doors off that cupboard and tell people they're getting refinished or something.

E said...

OK, since you LOVE calling me a Grammar Nazi, go ahead and do it. It'll be like when an overweight man gets nicknamed "Slim." I am notoriously bad at spelling/grammar(<--underwent years of testing to find out what is wrong with me, and even flunked my English placement exam two years ago). My brilliance is deceptive and spell-check induced.

Memzy said...

My retinas are already burned and I am only viewing it through a compy screen! Genius. But does "shelf reliance" have a "candy dispenser" for my dad? Cuz, ya know....that's a problem.

Elder Jack Anderson said...

Memz, you may wanna peruse their website but me no thinks so. That "problem" most likely requires professional help.

AJ, your vocabulary is off the hizzook though.

Br Boys said...

WOW!!! Your bad cupboard looks way better than my Good cupboard! My problem is that when you're short the top two shelves are unreachable without standing on a chair. I hate having to do that, so I end up putting (stuffing actually) everything into the two lower shelves. I have issues I know!

Markie23 said...

Did Jenny say Top Roman? I prefer Top Greek myself.

Memzy said...

Btw, what recipay do you use that beef stew for?

Elder Jack Anderson said...

That "beef stew" was purchased in response to Gty thinking the world was gonna explode on 9.11.08

I figured we could eat that & rolls for, like, ever.

BR, I'm short too, that's why I keep my year's supply of paper towels up there at the top. It cuts down on how much I have to drag the chair over there.

lovedkat said...

I just take a giant trash bag and throw everything away a couple times a year. I usually regret it later on but what can you do?

Unknown said...

I love your cupboard!! And yes you can order it online!! I even found a coupon code you can use :) Go to www.shelfreliance.com and enter the coupon code Save10 to save an extra 10%. The cansolidators are AWESOME!